Question about audio device selection

Hello Web Audio Developer community - 

I am having hard time to understand the w3c position regarding output audio devices selection. I was glad to see that the Enumeration has been defined and is being implemented (at least in Chrome) but I do not see yet any sign of defining the selection of an audio device. 

I’ve paid attention that in webrtc was opening a discussion about this very important feature few months ago, and I feel that it can be very useful to decide when to direct audio to headset vs. to speakers in many circumstances but I do not see any reaction.

Could you please clarify where the specifications efforts stand in term of device enumeration and selection ?

Thanks very much in advance - 

Philippe Cohen

Philippe Cohen | CTO 
CELL +972.52.3454100 | SKYPE: philjosephcohen 
Changing Audiology

Received on Monday, 6 October 2014 15:21:39 UTC