Online Interactive / Adaptive Audio - Freelance Help wanted


I’m searching for freelance developer talent with an eye online adaptive / interactive audio. We mainly deal within the world of advertising / branding and have relationships with the best agencies in the world and brands we are currently looking at expanding our interactive talent offering. 

- Must have had real-world production experience with WebAudio API, with a particular focus on playing back pre-recorded audio material with precise timing.
- Must have a good understanding of writing object-oriented Javascript, classes, inheritance patterns etc. Doesn’t matter which particular method you use, just that when we come to work with other developers, our code must be portable, neat and well-behaved (i.e. not polluting global namespace)
- Must have experience in preparing & editing audio for online delivery, e.g tradeoffs between compression / quality, what material we can compress more heavily, audio formats.

- Has some musical theory background / understanding e.g. time signatures, note lengths, harmony etc.
- Has some experience in automating the audio editing process, e.g. writing scripts to trim & compress large amounts of audio for example.
- Has some background the art of audio mixing and using effects, e.g. when to compress a mix, use of reverb etc.

The main problems: 
- Asset management, i.e. dynamically loading large amounts of audio data from the server, handling memory usage
- Precise timing of audio playback (i.e. not relying on the Javascript timer)
- Scoping & planning of projects, liaising between clients and our composers.

If this sounds of interest please drop me a line with a CV / brief description of experience and link to any work and we can take it from there.

Many thanks 


MassiveMusic | Roscoe Williamson | Executive Producer
London - Amsterdam - New York - Los Angeles - Shanghai 

133 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3BX, U.K.
T: +44 (0) 20 7324 7500
M: +44 7886 347960    
Massive Talent
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Received on Thursday, 2 October 2014 13:18:26 UTC