RE: [WebAIM] How the W3C Text Alternative Computation Works

Exactly, that’s why I said it was controversial.

A while back we added aria-hidden=”false” to the spec so that it exposes hidden content to ATs.

If this is done however, then it has to have an impact on the naming calculation. There is no way it cannot.

I agree that this isn’t clear in the spec, mainly because I don’t think it’s clear to anybody here either.

From: Steve Faulkner []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 7:36 AM
Cc: Joseph Scheuhammer <>; Dominic Mazzoni <>; James Craig <>; Joanmarie Diggs <>; Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] How the W3C Text Alternative Computation Works

Hi again Bryan,
another example that i am unclear about is:

Where the Name of the edit field is “Email address:”, because the content that includes aria-hidden=”true” is excluded from the naming calculation.

However, aria-hidden has another purpose that contradicts this behavior in the naming calculation, which occurs when aria-hidden is explicitly set to “false”. When applied on an explicitly hidden element using CSS for example, this content is included in the naming calculation even though the element remains hidden using CSS.

<div id="parentId">

  Email address:

  <input aria-labelledby="parentId" type="text" />

  <div class="validationError" style="display:none;" aria-hidden="false" >

    Error: A valid email address is required.


I am unsure that your prediction is correct, either way it is not reflected in implementations, of the browsers i tested: latest firefox, chrome and IE, all expose only "Email address:" as the accessible name.
test file:



Current Standards Work @W3C<>

On 21 December 2015 at 18:45, Bryan Garaventa <<>> wrote:
Recently I was asked to write a blog post explaining the naming calculation and how it works, which I've published at

I believe I've covered everything of note that should help explain the algorithm and how it works. The only controversial aspect is
the section regarding aria-hidden='false', however since this is written in the spec, this is the only way I see that logically
explains how this would impact the naming calculation. I'll pass this around to spread the word; the more who understand the
algorithm the easier it is to understand how ATs use it. Please let me know if anything is missing.

Also, I wanted to thank Google for stepping up and doing an excellent job updating the recursive naming calculation with the most
recent release of Chrome Canary, which now has the closest recursion algorithm match for the naming calculation as compared with any
of the other browsers. This is really a great achievement, and all those who worked on this to get this done so quickly, should be
congratulated since it will have a significant impact in the future.

All the best,

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Received on Tuesday, 22 December 2015 17:39:56 UTC