Re: Please verify your spec is fixed (was Re: ReSpec broken for all(?) specs except ARIA, in some browsers)

Can anyone tell me what was broken and what is needed to fix it? APG seems fine to me, but would like to check more thoroughly.


> On 26 May 2016, at 21:19, Joanmarie Diggs <> wrote:
> Hey all.
> Subject pretty much says it all. But regarding this:
> On 05/26/2016 11:48 AM, Shane McCarron wrote:
>> We have a fix for this now.  It required changes to ReSpec and to our
>> stuff.  I have an ARIA PR pending - as soon as someone reviews it we can
>> merge.
> It definitely fixes the ARIA spec. And I spot-checked the Core AAM
> looking for oddities and didn't see any. Given that things were pretty
> broken before, and seem fixed with Shane's changes, I asked him to push
> the changes (even though I'm not at all familiar with those scripts).
> Could everyone please take a look at the specs they maintain and/or
> actively use to be sure things are restored as expected?
> Thanks to all. And many extra thanks to Shane for all his work on this
> problem today!
> --joanie

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 10:19:34 UTC