RE: 7 Day Call for Consensus March 17, 2016 ARIA Working Group Resolutions

> From: Rich Schwerdtfeger []
> Sent: 02 April 2016 12:22
> No. We spoke to Microsoft browser people. They did not believe we made
> the problem worse.

We also heard from Wendy Seltzer, who agreed that the proposed role
definition represented a risk because of the possible discrepancy between
the visual and aural representations.

> Our solution thus far actually narrows it for screen reader users.
No, I'm sorry, it doesn't. It changes the security risk, it doesn't narrow
it down. If anything the uncertainty factor makes it a much more serious

The updated role definition is a step in the right direction, but Jamie Teh
raises some valid points. 

We need to hear from other SR vendors including Apple, Dolphin and
GWMicro/AISquared, and it would be helpful if we could point to wherever
Freedom Scientific and others have expressed their commitment to
implementing the role as described.

> I asked Cynthia to reach out to Microsoft as I felt their browser team
> be more experienced in dealing with browser security issues than an
> group. That said, who do you recommend I ask in the security ig? Are they
> active?

Wendy offered a review by WebAppsSec. Perhaps we could take her up on that


@LeonieWatson Carpe diem.

Received on Saturday, 2 April 2016 11:39:11 UTC