[AC] domain matching

Another issue that Microsoft raised and Thomas wasn't sure about either is  
the domain matching. Specifically the wildcard matching. Currently a  
wildcard matches a single label and nothing more. This means that  
foo.bar.com doesn't match *.com and does match *.*.com. This allows for  
things like foo.*.bar.com as well, because if the wildcard could match an  
arbitrary number of labels here the algorithm for matching would become  
quite complex and it's not clear that actually does what you'd want.

The other idea is only allowing the wildcard at the start. This implies  
that foo.bar.com matches *.com and that foo.*.bar.com would be illegal  
(the wildcard can only appear at the start).

Input welcome.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2007 15:29:11 UTC