Re: [XBL] CSS support for XBL 2.0 user agents: Yes or no?

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Oct 2006, Karl Dubost wrote:
>> The CSS specifications mentionned in the document are
>> 	- CSS3 Basic User Interface Module
>> 	- Media Queries
>> 	- Selectors
> Media Queries are also not part of CSS, but are an independent 
> specification. (You can tell which specifications are part of CSS and 
> which are not because the CSS specifications have "CSS" in their titles.)

   Although, he has a point about the CSS3 Basic User Interface Module
(CSS3-UI). Half the spec is a description of new selectors. (Not that I
wouldn't do just about anything to prevent that spec from going to PR
without a serious revision of :read-only...)

Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2006 01:54:22 UTC