Re: [admin] Tool choices for the Annotation WG

On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Robert Sanderson <>
> (3) Issue Tracking
> There are a number of ways to manage issues, and the WG needs to decide
>> [5].
> 3. Git issue management
> +1 to using Github issues, and especially when there's an IRC bot.
> Keeping the issues with the documents, and in a very public venue I think
> has advantages.  The web UI is clear, and there's a zillion apps and other
> integrated solutions available.

As a strawperson example of how github issues could be used, I created two
interdependent ones and a set of tags for the deliverables that they would


As Randall replied to one before I could clarify that they were examples to
demonstrate the use, there's also an example of the discussion stream in /1

Discussion on whether this would be a good platform or not is encouraged :)


Received on Friday, 26 September 2014 20:51:41 UTC