Cognitive AI CG update

The new W3C Cognitive AI Community Group will focus on practical considerations for building AI systems, inspired by what we've learned about the human mind and behaviour. This includes collaborating on defining and agreeing the details for a set of use cases and their implementation as Web-based demonstrators. If you are more interested in discussing philosophy or ethical policies for the application of AI, there are other groups that are better suited for such discussions. It would be interesting to discuss how the CogAI CG and the AIKR CG can complement each other.

We’ve created a GitHub repository and a guide to contributors, see: <>

I would be interested in your thoughts on the cognitive architecture diagram and explanation at the bottom of the GitHub README file: <>
Dave Raggett <>
W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things 

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2020 17:25:23 UTC