Semantics for EAI

I've been very enthusiastic lately because, around the stuff I've been
reading and researching, I see great chances of a solution being
implemented that, despite looking a lot of work, has the same underlying
backbone in all of it's functionality. Let me state first that I'm
convinced of the vast role of semantics into the EAI niche.

The basic attempt is to achieve a "semantic overlay" over ERP, CRM and
application domains of organizations allowing for enhancements and
extensions in the field of the extended knowledge that such applications
could "learn" in base of the information contained in their data and
adjacent knowledge integrated from various origins.

In the beginning I'd use an "abstraction layer" approach, reuse backends
and existing applications with semantic "enhancements" and, also, leverage
integration with existing facilities with frameworks and techniques in use
today (ORM with Hibernate / Spring, for example, implementing custom JDBC
driver). This leveraging extension for new requirements or use cases as
also for existing schema "enrichment" with inferences and learning
"semantic" in the more transparent manner.

As a begging there exists Tryton (and its derivatives: GNU Health) that in
principle seems like an excellent departure point for an example ERP / CRP
integration example, highly configurable and customizable. It could be the
main "external" component considering the backbone of a proof of concept
for the integration of applications knowledge.

The components to be developed also will leverage being consumer / producer
of data streams for frameworks such as Apache Metamodel, JBoss Teiid y
JBoss Drools / JBPM. It could also leverage standards and frameworks such
as OData and R2RQ for consumption and production of "enriched" information
and knowledge. This will enhance capabilities of implementing connectors to
consume and provide services and backends for later integration.

In respect to an Enterprise Java ecosystem (Spring) an MVC / DCI IoC
pattern implementation is to be facilitated by the existence of a JDBC
driver who procures ORM / OGM (Object Graph Mapper). JCA (Java Connector
Architecture) / Activation JAF (Java Activation Framework) facilitate
descriptive and declarative implementation of process flows and state
exposed as services.


Declarative hypermedia:
Services (endpoints) "learnt" from systems and they integrations.

CMS / Wiki (API / Protocol / DAV). Docs. Forms (Docs Flows).

Facets: BI Views. Functional, Dimensional, Semiotic. BI APIs.

Distributed Persistency. Meta Model, Facets / Levels, Encoding: semiotics,
relations, categories, groups, sets, lists. Signatures / inferences (routes
/ mappings).

Semantic Backend: upper ontologies. Model Alignment, inference services
(Model Resource encoded).

Learning Backend:  Model Augmentation services (Model Resource encoded).

Reactive Dataflow Backbone. Nodes: Protocol (dialog) Message flows
(Augmentation) services (Model Resource encoded)

This repository and attachments are fuzzy "scrapbook" notes:

Sebastián Samaruga.

Received on Friday, 14 June 2019 01:05:55 UTC