AI KR, Figshare & DOIs

To the degree that I understand it, Paola, I agree with your postulate.  
To me, it means the objectives of AI agents should be documented and 
shared in an open, standard, human- and machine-readable format like 

In any event, Figshare's about statement is now available in StratML 
format at

I look forward to learning if they have any plans to:

    a) help make research outputs machine-readable
    <> and/or

    b) partner with other organizations pursuing common or complementary
    objectives, e.g., the Center for Open Science.

BTW, IDF's about statement is now also in the StratML collection, at I look forward to learning how 
DOIs might relate to stratml:Identifier(s), which are generally but not 
necessarily GUIDs.

The InterPlanetary File System also comes to mind.


On 8/25/2019 10:26 PM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
> Since posting  discussions about bridging the gap between symbolic and 
> subsymbolic, (see related posts) I have formulated a simple postulate, 
> and assigned a DOI so that anone following up on these discussions can 
> cite the contribution accordingly. I ll be happy to review the 
> postulate with comments and suggestions if any
> To support AI explainability, learnability,verifiability and 
> reproducibility, it is postulated that
> for each MLA *machine learning algorithm,
> there should correspond a natural language expression or other type of 
> symbolic knowledge representation

Received on Monday, 26 August 2019 03:48:48 UTC