AI KR Talk in Taipei, contributions?

We are giving a talk *and a paper next month on the topic

AI KR for Explainability in EGovernance

The outline of the talk so far is: (2-4 slides for each point)
overview and intro about AI KR and explainability (assuming audience doesn
relevance to E-Governance
challenges and solutions
actions (probably referring people back to this group)

If anyone is interested in contributing a few slides and a paragraph or two
let me know and I ll share the drafts for editing, so that you can fill out
a few bits
and of course be credited accordingly

deadline for final submission is 1 Sept , so all contributions must reach
me before Aug 30
so that I can edit them into the draft

Thanks, best regards

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2019 05:15:43 UTC