AccessLearn Community Group: Introductory Survey

Hi all

Thank you for your patience as this Community Group gets started!

Our first activity is to run a short survey to find out from current and prospective members some information about background, interests and views relating to online learning and accessibility. The intention is to use this as a way to gather initial information on group members' perspectives on current state of online learning accessibility and work that’s already underway in this area, priority topics for discussion, and preferred communication channels for the AccessLearn Group.

The survey should take 5-10 minutes maximum to complete, and is available at:

We chose SurveyMonkey partly due to positive feedback on accessibility of the survey interface, but if you experience find a problem answering any of the questions, please let us know as soon as possible.

We’ll keep the survey open for 2 weeks in the first instance, and use the results we gather to start some discussions on directions for the Group.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

Best wishes
Dave and Sarah (group co-chairs)

David Sloan

UX Research Lead
The Paciello Group

Received on Friday, 29 May 2015 16:04:16 UTC