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Re: Reply to ICANN Watch

Dear PSO PC colleagues,

Back to work having had to extend my holidays to cope with some personal
problems (nothing serious!). I haven't read yet all the messages exchanged
in this mailing list. I have nevertheless noted that Mr Da Silva's official
nomination to the ICANN Board has reached us.

I have quickly reacted to the message sent by Richard as I do not want any
misunderstanding in any website about the reasons for extending the
deadline for ICANN Board nominations. Please find enclosed the post I have
made in the "ICANNWatch website":

>From Azucena Hernandez:
As a clarification, the body I represent in the PSO Council, which is ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute),
announced on the 14th March that a nomination was going to be submitted (please see the Minutes of the Teleconference
hold 14th March 2002 in www.pso.icann.org).
No nomination was submitted by the original deadline due to a pure administrative problem related to the holiday period.
The candidate details are already under consideration by the PSO Council members.
I do not know how much interest the "technical community" has on ICANN matters because that community is huge and I do not
 represent it, but I can confirm that the interest of ETSI in ICANN matters keeps being as high as when ICANN and the PSO were
 set up.
The message I have replied to mentions another one from Geoff that I can not open. Geoff, could you be so kind to send it
 to me?. Thanks a lot.

Kind regards,

"Hill, Richard" <richard.hill@itu.int> con fecha 05/08/2002 16:27:08

Destinatarios: Azucena Hernandez Perez/INFR/TESA@Telefonica
Asunto:   Reply to ICANN Watch


Perhaps you should post a comment to the following:


pointing out that the missed deadline was just a clerical error, the
candidate had in fact been identified in good time.



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