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Re: Two contributions from ETSI

Dear Azuncena,

Just some initial comments:

- I think the time for other PSO PC members to comment on your
   proposals is quite limited given the holidays.

- Can I very strongly suggest that we use a format that is
   usable on a wide variety of platforms? I think if we limit
   ourselves to plain text, (x)html, and pdf, we have a variety
   of choices and make sure that everybody can look at the
   documents without problems.

Regards,   Martin.

At 09:18 01/12/21 +0100, azucena.hernandezperez@telefonica.es wrote:

>Dear PSO PC colleagues,
>As announced in our last teleconference, ETSI has prepared the enclosed
>contributions, one as an input to the ICANN budget debate and the other one
>to the ICANN restructuring activity.
>Your comments and views are welcomed. Should these documents have support
>from other PSO PC members, fine, otherwise, ETSI would like to get them
>sent by Vlad to the ICANN appropriate person within the deadline of 10th
>January 2002 as contributions from ETSI.
>I take the opportunity to wish you all Merry Christmas and all the best for
>Kind regards,
>(See attached file: ETSI recommendations to ICANN Budget 2002-2003.doc)(See
>attached file: ETSI contribution to ICANN restructuring.doc)
>Azucena Hernandez
>Telefonica de Espa$BB(B
>  Desarrollo de Red
>Tel: +34 91 5846842
>Fax: +34 91 5846843
>GSM: +34 609425506
>E-Mail: azucena.hernandezperez@telefonica.es