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FW: FW: ETSI candidate to ICANN Committee Internationalized Domain Names

Dear Protocol Council Members,
Please find below the answer of Azucena to Steve, concerning the ICANN IDN Committee.
Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: azucena.hernandezperez@telefonica.es
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 4:38 PM
To: vladimir.androuchko@itu.int
Subject: Re: FW: ETSI candidate to ICANN Committee Internationalized
Domain Names

Dear Vlad,

Please forward my answer to Steven to the PSO PC exploder.

Dear Steve, dear PSO PC colleagues,

Without having any other candidate from the PSO to the newly created ICANN
IDN committee, I am not going to enter into details about whether or not Mr
Laorden has the appropriate background. Once we have all the candidates,
then we will analyse the pros and cons of each of them and choose the one
who can best contribute to the work.
Mr Laorden in well known in ICANN and he is participating the  new gTLDs
task group. He has followed the work on International Domains since it
started as Spanish is a language with characters outside the basic ANSI
set. He is indeed not an "IETF guy" but it is an ETSI member and therefore
qualified to be a candidate from our organisation.
Has the IETF a candidate?

Kind regards,