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Dear Protocol Council,
Please find below the message of Mrs. D. Michel for your information.
Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Michel [mailto:dmichel@atlargestudy.org]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:33 PM
To: vladmir.androuchko@itu.int
Subject: ALSC

The At-Large Study Committee would be greatful for your thoughts on the
draft statement included below.  The ALSC believes that there is an
opportunity for Board action on At-Large in Marina del Rey, and we would
like your views on whether the broad statement below is a reasonable basis
for that action.  It recognizes what the ALSC believes to be a general
consensus on At-Large while acknowledging that consideration and comment on
the final report and some At-Large issues will continue.

Thanks for your help.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Denise Michel
Executive Director
At Large Study Committee

*Draft* Proposed Action Statement for ICANN's Board

Based on an extensive outreach, discussion, research, and consensus-building
campaign the ALSC recommends that, on November 15, 2001, the ICANN Board
adopt the following recommendations concerning At-Large participation
and representation.

(1) The Board affirms that individual Internet users have a significant
stake in ICANN's activities and should have the opportunity of fully
participating in ICANN.

(2) While the ALSC's final report remains open for comment and
consideration, the Board acknowledges that the following basic principles
should guide expedited action on At-Large:

(a) Create an At-Large Supporting Organization (ALSO) as a regionally-based
framework for informed participation of any interested individual and for
At-Large involvement in ICANN policy and decision-making (including
mechanisms to foster discussion among individuals and with ICANN's
decision-making bodies);

(b) Focus At-Large membership on an identifiable and vested community (an
ALSO electorate) to provide a practical mechanism for voter registration and
self-funding (e.g. The ALSC recommends that membership be based on
individual domain name holders);

(c) Provide a proportionate role for At-Large members in selecting ICANN's
Board (along with other ICANN constituencies) (e.g. The ALSC recommends 6
At-Large Directors in a 19 member Board).

(3) The Board requests that the ICANN CEO solicit expressions of interest to
determine the degree of interest in creating local and regional ALSO
entities that would support informed participation of interested individuals
and At-Large involvement in ICANN, and report the results to the Board at
the March 2002 ICANN meeting.

(4) The Board authorizes the extension of the ALSC until March 31, 2002 to
work with the Supporting Organizations, other interested parties, and ICANN
staff on proposing detailed plans for an At-Large membership, voter
registration, and a regionally-based, self-supporting ALSO.