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I also got this so I assume it has gone to all individuals on the ALSC
consultation list. I do not intend to reply as we have dealt with the issues
through the PSO.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Androuchko, Vladimir" <vladimir.androuchko@itu.int>
To: "pso-pc, ITU (MLIST)" <pso-pc@ties.itu.int>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:16 AM
Subject: FW: ALSC

> Dear Protocol Council,
> Please find below the message of Mrs. D. Michel for your information.
> Best regards,
> Vlad
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Denise Michel [mailto:dmichel@atlargestudy.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:33 PM
> To: vladmir.androuchko@itu.int
> Subject: ALSC
> The At-Large Study Committee would be greatful for your thoughts on the
> draft statement included below.  The ALSC believes that there is an
> opportunity for Board action on At-Large in Marina del Rey, and we would
> like your views on whether the broad statement below is a reasonable basis
> for that action.  It recognizes what the ALSC believes to be a general
> consensus on At-Large while acknowledging that consideration and comment
> the final report and some At-Large issues will continue.
> Thanks for your help.  We look forward to hearing from you.
> Denise
> Denise Michel
> Executive Director
> At Large Study Committee
> +1-408-867-1986
> dmichel@atlargestudy.org
> *Draft* Proposed Action Statement for ICANN's Board
> Based on an extensive outreach, discussion, research, and
> campaign the ALSC recommends that, on November 15, 2001, the ICANN Board
> adopt the following recommendations concerning At-Large participation
> and representation.
> (1) The Board affirms that individual Internet users have a significant
> stake in ICANN's activities and should have the opportunity of fully
> participating in ICANN.
> (2) While the ALSC's final report remains open for comment and
> consideration, the Board acknowledges that the following basic principles
> should guide expedited action on At-Large:
> (a) Create an At-Large Supporting Organization (ALSO) as a
> framework for informed participation of any interested individual and for
> At-Large involvement in ICANN policy and decision-making (including
> mechanisms to foster discussion among individuals and with ICANN's
> decision-making bodies);
> (b) Focus At-Large membership on an identifiable and vested community (an
> ALSO electorate) to provide a practical mechanism for voter registration
> self-funding (e.g. The ALSC recommends that membership be based on
> individual domain name holders);
> (c) Provide a proportionate role for At-Large members in selecting ICANN's
> Board (along with other ICANN constituencies) (e.g. The ALSC recommends 6
> At-Large Directors in a 19 member Board).
> (3) The Board requests that the ICANN CEO solicit expressions of interest
> determine the degree of interest in creating local and regional ALSO
> entities that would support informed participation of interested
> and At-Large involvement in ICANN, and report the results to the Board at
> the March 2002 ICANN meeting.
> (4) The Board authorizes the extension of the ALSC until March 31, 2002 to
> work with the Supporting Organizations, other interested parties, and
> staff on proposing detailed plans for an At-Large membership, voter
> registration, and a regionally-based, self-supporting ALSO.