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(1) Next PSO-PC teleconference 27 July 2001

The next PSO-PC Teleconference will be held on Friday, 27 July 2001,
starting at 15:00 CET.
Estimated duration: 1 hour.

Vladmir Androuchko will join us in order to get an in-depth insight into how
to best handle the upcoming PSO-PC teleconferences.

The names marked with asterisk below have confirmed their participation:

Livia Rosu                      +33 4-92-94-43-67  *
Vladimir Androuchko               +41 22 730 63 11  *

Steve Bellovin                  +1 973-360-8656
Fabio Bigi                      +41 22 730 5860
Azucena Hernandez               +34 91 584 6842
Leslie Daigle                    +1 514-633-8963
Philipp Hoschka                 +33 4-92-38-79-84
Gerry Lawrence                  +44 2476-56-2965
Brian Moore                     +44 1206-76-2335
Daniel Weitzner                 +1 617-253-8036

I will call each of you (confirmed participants) as usual, so please confirm
your availability and let me know if your number will change in the

Otherwise, the TOLL-FREE call-in number to add yourself to the
teleconference in progress is: +33 (0) 800 58 79 04.

Draft suggested AGENDA follows:

1. Introduction

2. Results/organization of the PSO GA held on 11 July 2001 in ETSI

3. PSO advice on names to join the New TLD Evaluation Process Planning Task
Force (as requested by ICANN)

4. Collaboration with the Names Council on the assessment of the Whois
system and development of policy recommendations (see Names Council
Resolution Regarding Whois)

5. Discuss nominations to the ICANN Board and assessing candidates'
strengths against the evaluation matrix of criteria

6. ITU taking over from ETSI the PSO Secretariat

7. AOB

Should you have other suggestions for the agenda, please send them to me.

Best regards,
