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Re: (1) Next PSO-PC teleconference 21 June 2001

OK for me.

In message <BB603AE6E737D5118C0300508BB4A8110E7CDD@EMAIL6>, Livia Rosu
Lunguran <Livia.Rosu@ETSI.FR> writes
>The next PSO-PC Teleconference will be held on Thursday, 21 June 2001,
>starting at 15:00 CET.
>Estimated duration: 1 hour.
>The names marked with asterisk below have confirmed their participation:
>Livia Rosu                      +33 4-92-94-43-67  *
>Steve Bellovin                  +1 973-360-8656
>Fabio Bigi                      +41 22 730 5860
>Azucena Hernandez                         +34 91 584 6842
>Leslie Daigle                    +1 514-633-8963
>Philipp Hoschka                 +33 4-92-38-79-84
>Gerry Lawrence                  +44 2476-56-2965
>Brian Moore                     +44 1206-76-2335
>Daniel Weitzner                 +1 617-253-8036
>I will call each of you (confirmed participants) as usual, so please confirm
>your availability and let me know if your number will change in the
>Otherwise, the TOLL-FREE call-in number to add yourself to the
>teleconference in progress is: +33 (0) 800 58 79 04.
>Draft suggested AGENDA follows:
>1. Introduction
>2. Advise on the names to join the New TLD Evaluation Process Planning Task
>Force (as requested by ICANN)
>3. Procedure of nominations to the ICANN Board
>4. Update on the PSO GA
>5. AOB
>Should you have other suggestions for the agenda, please send them to me.
>Best regards,

B W Moore
Lucent Technologies
Tel: +44 1206 762335
Fax: +44 1206 762336