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I have revised and enclosed here the minutes and agenda, taking into
consideration the comments from Leslie and Brian.

As it would be good indeed to invite the new ICANN CEO to the PSO GA (thank
you, Brian, to remind me), I have included this on the agenda.

Please send me your thoughts on these.

Best regards, Livia

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Moore [mailto:brian@bwmc.demon.co.uk]
Sent: 12 February 2001 20:57
To: Livia Rosu Lunguran
Subject: PSO GA 2001 AND MINUTES

The arrangements with TIPHON look good to me (I can be there on the 11th
of July). Concerning the agenda (and the minutes) the suggestion made
during our last teleconference was to repeat some of the papers from the
opening session of the ITU-T IP Networking and Multimedia Workshop that
is being held in Geneva in April. There will be presentations from the
PSO members (Fabio, Gerry, Scott and W3C) and we agreed that these could
form a part of the agenda at the GA. This I guess is what was behind the
ITU-T IP item on the first version of your agenda but it will not just
be Fabio.
So agenda items 3 and 4 could be rolled into one and called something
like 'Introduction and activities of the PSO signatories'.
On another issue did we agree to invite the new ICANN CEO to attend and
give us his thoughts on the future of ICANN? If not should we?

In message <7B7F473688DBD211B56C00805F85906C0230AD4E@EMAIL2>, Livia Rosu
Lunguran <Livia.Rosu@ETSI.FR> writes
>Thanks for your comments. I have amended the minutes accordingly.
>Please see attached the revised Agenda for the PSO GA. I invite further
>suggestions, so that I can keep improving it ;-)
>Regards, Livia
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Leslie Daigle [mailto:leslie@thinkingcat.com]
>Glad to hear things are shaping up for the organization of the
>As to the agenda, I think we should order it as:
>        . introduce the member organizations (not just Fabio, and
>          one of the PSO-PC for each of the organizations; if
>          neither Steve nor I can make it for IETF, then perhaps
>          Scott)
>        . give an overview of what the PSO-PC has done in the
>          past year (and projections for the next year -- including
>          status of selection of Board member)
>        . then give an update on ICANN, as an invited presentation
>Livia Rosu Lunguran wrote:
>> A very draft Agenda for the PSO GA could look as follows:
>> 1. Opening
>> 2. An update ICANN overview (presentation by ICANN staff)
>> 3. Annual PSO Council Report on major activities undertaken during
>> period (?)
>> 3. IP-related activities of ITU (presentation by Fabio)
>> 4. IETF activities (presentation by Scott Bradner)
>> 5. Plans for 2001 PSO nomination to the ICANN Board (?)
>> 6. Open discussion with participants (all)
>> As you can see, I took the liberty to add some more agenda items than
>> initially agreed with you. Please let me know by e-mail your comments and
>> any other suggestions you may have. I will publish the agenda on the
>> web-site and send the official invitation to the external speakers (like
>> Scott Bradner) ONLY AFTER we can agree on all the items.
>> Livia Rosu
>> PSO-PC Secretary
>> Internet Business Development Officer
>> ETSI - The place for standards
>> Sophia Antipolis Cedex, F-06921 France
>> http://www.etsi.org/
>> Mailto: livia.rosu@etsi.fr
>> Tel:       +334.
>> GSM:    +336.
>> Fax:      +334.
>"Days used to be longer."
>   -- ThinkingCat
>Leslie Daigle
>[ A MIME text / plain part was included here. ]

B W Moore
Lucent Technologies
Tel: +44 1206 762335
Fax: +44 1206 762336

            ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO) 	
                February 01, 2001 Teleconference

Reported by: Livia Rosu, PSO Secretary

  Steve Bellovin / IETF Representative
  Fabio Bigi / ITU Representative
  Leslie Daigle / IETF Representative
  Gerry Lawrence / ETSI Representative
  Brian Moore / ITU Representative
  Bridget Cosgrave / ETSI Representative  
  Philipp Hoschka / W3C Representative
  Daniel Weitzner / W3C Representative


 1. The PSO Council members have analyzed the impact of the newly selected 
    Top-Level Domains (.aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum, .name and .pro). 
    The issue of increasing traffic going to roots has been considered as paramount.
    It has been agreed that there are no other critical protocol-based matters 
    related to the new TLDs. 

    As ICANN is still in the process of finalizing its recommendations for the 
    practical implementation of the new TLDs, the PSO-PC has identified a need to 
    reconsider again this agenda item at a later stage.

 2. The voting mechanism for 2001 nomination to the ICANN Board has been discussed.
    Prior to October 1, 2001, the Protocol Supporting Organization shall select its 
    representative for the two-year term to the ICANN Board, according to the 
    PSO MoU and procedures specified by the Article VI-C of the ICANN Bylaws 
    (as amended July 16, 2000).
 3. The issue of the PSO nomination to the Nominating Committee for the Independent 
    Review Committee has been analyzed. As agreed time ago, ETSI and ITU shall have 
    a combined unique choice, while IETF and W3C shall have theirs. ETSI and ITU have
    already chosen the Director of the ITU-TSB Houlin Zhao. 

    Leslie and Steve shall co-ordinate with Philipp and Daniel to come up shortly 
    with a name for the IETF/W3C nomination to IRC, and shall inform the Council on 
    their decission.

4.  The PSO-PC has thoughtfully discussed the organization of the PSO General Assembly 
    2001, to be hosted by ETSI. According to the PSO MoU, "each annual General Assembly 
    will be hosted by a signing SDO in conjunction with one of its major meetings". 
    It has been decided to host the PSO GA 2001 in ETSI, during the ETSI Project (EP) 
    TIPHON Meeting #23, which is to be held the whole week of 9-13 July 2001. It has 
    also been highlighted the importance of inviting the management of ETSI Technical 
    Committee SPAN to attend the PSO GA and share their experience.

    In its quality of Chairman of the ETSI Operational Co-ordination Group (OCG), 
    Gerry Lawrence explained that EP TIPHON (Telecommunications and Internet Protocol 
    Harmonization over Networks) and TC SPAN (Services and Protocol for Advanced 
    Networks) work closely together and are interested in the work of the PSO. In this 
    light, it will prove to be very beneficial to have TIPHON and SPAN participants 
    attending the PSO GA. 
    Livia has reported some progress in organizing related administrative details and 
    communicated the availability of 2 Vice-Chairmen of TC SPAN to come and join the 
    PSO GA attendees.

    It has been decided that Livia shall continue to make all the necessary arrangements
    for the good organization of the PSO GA and shall co-ordinate with the EP TIPHON 
    Chairman & PSO ICANN Director Helmut Schink the accommodation of the PSO GA 
    by one of the EP TIPHON sessions, for 2-3 hours. Livia shall report back to the PSO
    Council on the progress made as soon as possible.

    The issue of content and speakers has been analyzed as well. It has been underlined 
    that each organization signatory of the PSO MoU shall give short presentations on 
    their activities with a focus on IP related matters. 

    Gerry has underlined that ITU-T is organizing a workshop on "IP Networking and 
    MEDIACOM-2004" (http://www.itu.int/itudoc/itu-t/com13/circ/01-04/013.html) on 
    24-27 April 20001 in Geneva,convened at the request of ITU-T Study Groups 13 
    (Multi-protocol and IP-based networks and their internetworking) and 16 (Multimedia 
    services, systems and terminals). There will be presentations from the PSO member 
    organizations (ITU-by Fabio, ETSI-by Gerry, IETF-by Scott and W3C-to be determined). 
    The PSO Council members have agreed that these presentations could form a part of the 
    agenda at the PSO GA 2001 and therefore the ITU-T workshop will provide valuable 
    material to import into PSO GA on topics related to IP networking. 

    The ICANN staff shall be invited to offer an updated overview on ICANN structure 
    and development. It is also hoped that at least a few ICANN Board members will be 
    available to attend the PSO GA. It is of a particular importance that the three PSO 
    ICANN Directors (Helmut Schink, Vint Cerf and Philip Davidson) will share their 
    experience with the Internet community present at the GA. 

    Livia shall draft the agenda and the invitation for the PSO GA, as soon as she can fix 
    the date together with EP TIPHON management. Further suggestions on content and speakers 
    for the GA were invited by e-mail.

                Protocol Supporting Organization

                   General Assembly 2001 Agenda

1. Opening                                      (?)

2. Introduction and activities of the
   PSO signatories

                2.1  ITU                        Fabio Bigi, ITU representative

                2.2  IETF                       Steve Bellovin, IETF representative

                2.3  W3C                        (?), W3C representative

                2.4  ETSI                       Gerry Lawrence, ETSI representative

3. Status Report on PSO Protocol Council        (?)
   activities for 2000-2001 period
   and projections for the next year
   (including status of PSO selection
   of ICANN Board member)

4. Invited presentations

                4.1  Update on ICANN structure  (presentation by ICANN staff)
                     and development

                4.2  Future of ICANN            (presentation by ICANN CEO)

5. Open discussion                              (all)