Re: Setting to disable HTTP/2 Priorities

Hey Dmitri,

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 8:21 PM Dmitri Tikhonov <>

> From the draft:
> "
> "    This document adds a new SETTINGS parameter to those defined by
> "    [RFC7540], Section 6.5.2.
> "
> "    The new parameter name is SETTINGS_ENABLE_HTTP2_PRIORITIES.
> Including "HTTP2" in the name is superfluous:  Since this is an
> HTTP/2 setting, it deals with HTTP/2 priorities.

I agree with your observation

> Or was "HTTP2" added to the name to differentiate it from possible
> future priority mechanisms?  In that case, I suggest s/HTTP2/RFC7540/

My observation is that WG is using a range of terms to refer to

* HTTP/2's tree-based priority model
* signalled using HTTP/2 frames
* HTTP/3's HTTP/2-inspired-tree-based priority model
* signalled using HTTP/3 frames

Refining these terms would help in generak IMO, and would probably get
reflected back into the name of this setting.


Received on Thursday, 25 July 2019 19:36:07 UTC