Re: Op-sec simplification

[implementor hat]

this is good. thanks for driving it to the finish line. let's see if we can
cross it this time :)

On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 9:04 PM, Martin Thomson <>

> In the spirit of continuing simplification, here's a PR on the
> opportunistic security draft:
> The main changes:
>  - the .well-known resource is a flat list of origins
>  - the client only needs to acquire a .wk from the secured server
>  - the draft explicitly allows HTTP/1.1
> As before, I apologize for short notice, but I plan to merge this
> fairly soon and submit a draft revision.  Thanks to the magic of git,
> any mistakes I've made - either in reading where consensus was headed,
> or in editing - can be reverted easily.

Received on Monday, 31 October 2016 21:38:47 UTC