Re: Question about HTTP 2.0 priority

On 6 October 2014 22:13, Chad Austin <> wrote:
> Sorry for the terrible ASCII art.  :)  Everything at priority B depends on
> some element in A, and everything in C depends on some element in B.
> How do I handle the case that B1 completes before B2?

I tend to write it out like so:  (A1, A2, A3) -> 0; B1 -> A1; B2 -> A1
and B3 -> A1; C1 -> B1; C2 -> B1; and C3 -> B1.

So yes, if B1 is removed, then all the C moves up to depend on A1...
and takes a proportional weight from the removed B1.

But the draft recommends not removing when a stream completes, because
that loses information.  Keep it around.  Put it in a LRU list or
something and remove it when you have to, or when it isn't referenced,
or when it is too old.  Then you lose nothing more than a few bytes of
RAM, and maybe a few extra cycles when nearby elements move around, or
are added.

A linked list is fine for nodes with the same dependency, but I tend
to think of it as a set.  A skip list might be more efficient if you
think that you'll have lots of adjacent nodes.

Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 05:26:28 UTC