Re: Encouraging a healthy HTTP/2 ecosystem

On Tue, Jul 01, 2014 at 02:04:16PM -0700, Jeff Pinner wrote:
> > In 1.1 it would return 502 bad gateway. In 2.0, assuming I manage to implement
> > it to the server, I don't expect it to be able to multiplex multiple streams
> > over a single connection before we've finished HTTP/3. I'm serious. 2.0 is a
> > major architecture change for low-level intermediaries. So I'd say that for
> > now, with the elements I have, a protocol error on 2.0 will be handled the
> > same way as in 1.1 : the connection will be torn down and the effects will be
> > exactly the same : only the request using that connection will be impacted.
> What we do:
> 1) HPACK is configured to stream headers and discard all headers above
> a certain side (see decider maxHeaderSize).
> 2) The reverse proxy aggregates the response headers and if it they
> have been truncated (because they were above the max size) it responds
> with a 502.

But what do you do then with the server connection and/or stream when
you send the 502 to the client ?


Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2014 21:09:59 UTC