Re: draft-montenegro-httpbis-uri-encoding

On 2014-03-21 15:41, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message <>, Julian Reschke writes:
>>> What happened to the KISS principle ?
>> It died when we agreed that we want to be able to gateway between 1.*
>> and 2.*, and not ever break existing semantics.
>> Essentially, HTTP/2 is only a new wire format, and it inherits all
>> legacy not related to the wire format from 1.1.
> Then I'd like to offer two proposals:
> 1. Rename the current drafts "HTTP/1.2" to indicate that all the
>     crap will be the same.

We can't do that as sticking with 1.* implies a compatible wire format.

> 2. Start working on a real HTTP/2.0 protocol, which tries to solve
>     the actual problems with HTTP/1.x

This definitively comes too late for 2.0, but I agree that future work 
should try to solve problems inherited from 1.*.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Friday, 21 March 2014 14:52:27 UTC