Re: h2#404 requiring gzip and/or deflate

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 08:38:36PM +0100, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> >I want to clarify the text above... Do we want to mandate (i.e., use
> >MUST) 1. gzip or 2. gzip+deflate ?
> The gzip format is a container format and the container includes data
> like filename, operating system, checksums, timestamps, comments, and
> a DEFLATE stream with the compressed data.

The other difference is the use of the faster adler32 checksum in deflate
instead of crc32 in gzip, so *if* we want to mandate something, deflate
is cheaper for both ends. That said, I'm still very concerned that we
want to mandate such antique bit-oriented algorithms which are extremely
slow and memory invasive while we have many much better ones such as
snappy, lz4, quicklz and I-don't-know-what which are much more friendly
for both ends and better suited for the 21th century's machines and


Received on Thursday, 20 February 2014 20:08:40 UTC