Re: Non-browser uses (was Re: disabling header compression)

On Fri, 13 Dec 2013, James M Snell wrote:

> My take away from your response is that, so far, the only benefit HTTP/2 
> will have to offer RESTful API developers is improved performance in some 
> scenarios and fewer bits sent over the wire on average.

What about the convenience of running only HTTP/2 on your server and not have 
to manage legacy HTTP as well? I'd call that a benefit. Or possitive side- 

And I think better performance for your use case is a reason enough to use a 
protocol, even if that's not a browser.

> My question is: is that going to be enough to warrant broad adoption among 
> that group of developers?

I'm absolutely convinced that none of us here can KNOW the answer to that. 
With a solid protocol spec there will be HTTP/2 implementations written. If 
they are good enough and there are perceived benefits in using them, then the 
developers will use them.

I have such users in the curl community. I want to and plan to offer this 
ability to them.



Received on Friday, 13 December 2013 21:50:52 UTC