Re: [#232] User-Agent Guidelines (proposal)

On 20.09.2010 11:27, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> On 20/09/2010, at 7:24 PM, Adam Barth wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 2:14 AM, Mark Nottingham<>  wrote:
>>> Likewise, implementations are encouraged not to use the product tokens of other implementations in order to declare compatibility with them, as this circumvents the purpose of the field.
>> Although noble, many implementations will ignore this advice.  I can
>> tell you that there are several folks in the Chromium project that are
>> adamant about fixing the User-Agent mess, but they're crushed by the
>> compatibility requirements.  In particular, including the token
>> "Safari" in Chrome's User-Agent string is massively important to
>> making the browser actually work in the real world.
> Yes, I think that's probably the most tenuous part of the proposal -- and one reason why it's just "encouraged."
> ...

I think it's good advice, so I'd be in favor of leaving it in.

Best regards, julian

Received on Monday, 20 September 2010 09:59:46 UTC