Re: Questions (errata?) about caching authenticated responses [#174]

tis 2010-06-08 klockan 14:22 -0700 skrev Roy T. Fielding:

> > I don't see how to get out of this without explicitly stating which
> > directives overrides the implicit "private". And referencing to the
> > authenticated state as an implicit "private" only adds confusion I
> > think, reducing the meaning of MUST NOT unless worded carefully.
> And I don't understand how that is confusing.  Implicit == default.
> The only reason "public" exists is to override that default when,
> for whatever reason, the default is private or no-cache.

It's not only public which overrides the implicit private. It's a whole
range of directives of which public is one (public, s-maxage,
must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, but not  max-age). Not specifying
which directives overrides the implicit default private would be


Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 08:39:23 UTC