Re: HTTPbis and the Same Origin Policy

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 5:17 PM, "Martin J. Dürst"
<> wrote:
> On 2009/11/26 6:34, Tyler Close wrote:
>> My impression is that the undefined consensus understanding of the
>> Same Origin Policy incorporates the rule that no API (not just a
>> specific API, such as HTML form) can allow a cross-origin PUT, unless
>> the target resource has somehow opted out of SOP protection. This
>> rule, and others like it, are the source of much of the complexity in
>> CORS. These rules are not left to the application layer.
> If I write something like a webbot, I can execute whatever PUT requests (or
> other HTTP requests) I want, or can't I?

Depending on how your webbot obtains the target URL, it may be
violating the target resource's expectation for protection under SOP.
For example, ...

> An API such as libcurl
> ( doesn't contain any such restrictions, or
> does it?

If you use libcurl to send a PUT request and the target resource
responds with a 307, which libcurl then automatically follows, you may
have violated the target resource's expectation of protection under
SOP. Consider a webbot that sends a PUT request to a resource on the
open Internet, which responds with a 307 to a resource behind the same
firewall as the webbot. The webbot has essentially punched a hole in
the firewall.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Received on Monday, 30 November 2009 19:01:36 UTC