Re: Feedback for draft-nottingham-http-link-header-03

Mark Nottingham wrote:
> ...
> I think the issue here is more around trust than just semantics; i.e., 
> you need to know the source of the statement to evaulate it. The thing 
> is, that's really defined by the context of use; i.e., if you're working 
> from within some wonderful semantic framework, you might be able to 
> trust inbound links.
> So, if this were defined by the application, would you be more happy? 
> The effect on *this* spec, I think, would be that the link *header* 
> section would say that rev links aren't necessarily authoritative.
> Make sense?s
> ...

Not sure. What would that achieve?

Why would you trust


more then



In general, the level of trust for a relation exposed with a resource 
probably depends *both* on the resource and the link relation being 
used, not the fact whether it's exposed as "rel" or "rev".

Best regards, Julian

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2008 11:29:51 UTC