RE: IRIs, IDNAbis, and HTTP

At 8:00 AM -0700 3/13/08, Brian Smith wrote:
>How does RFC 2277 fit into the standardization process. RFC 2277 itself
>says "This document is the current policies being applied by the
>Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) towards the standardization
>efforts in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in order to help
>Internet protocols fulfill these requirements." I take that to mean that
>the IESG will reject any specification that is not compliant with RFC
>2277 as a matter of policy.

And you would take it wrong. The IESG isn't a machine: they look at 
what makes sense. A backwards-incompatible change, for example, 
doesn't make sense. Further, because 2616 >> 2277, you can tell that 
the IESG thought that HTTP was already conformant enough.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

Received on Thursday, 13 March 2008 17:43:44 UTC