Re: [RFC] Optional header negotitation

On Sunday 19 August 2007, Robert Brewer wrote:
> Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > There is no indention at all to restrict HTTP! Just
> > to provide a way for extending it with headers that
> > aren't required everywhere.
> It already exists: SEND THE HEADERS.
> Run that and inspect the traffic with a tool like TamperData
> for Firefox. Did the "Header-Request" header make it to the
> client? (Yes.) Pretend you're a client that understands the
> received "Header-Request", and send a "Timezone" header in
> your next request. Did it make it to the server? (Yes.) Did
> the server understand it? (Yes.) Are we violating the HTTP
> spec? (No.) Did we make any changes to the HTTP spec? (No.)
> Would there be any difference in the messages if we added
> "Header-Request" to the spec? (No.) So why do it? Masochism?

  What you wrote is what I proposed and I never said that the HTTP spec need 
to be changed. I wrote to this list because Julian suggested it as a place 
for conversasion to take place for the original "Timezone" draft which I 
submitted some months ago. The 'header-request' is intended to be a separate 
RFC from 2616.

  What you described is exactly what I'm proposing... and if I get any 
comments about it, I'll summarize them and submit a draft. I'm sorry if you 
thought that I'm proposing this as something that should be included in RFC 

Received on Sunday, 19 August 2007 09:05:37 UTC