Re: [Ietf-caldav] [Fwd: draft-reschke-http-addmember-00]

Hi Jamie,

--On February 17, 2005 4:41:42 PM +0000 Jamie Lokier <> 

>> No, it would be the container resource itself. For CalDav, the calendar
>> collection; for Atompub, the feed resource itself.
> Why can't you POST to the container resource?
> That's what POST is for, after all.

The WebDAV rfc has the following statement in it in Section 5.3 as a 
justification for creating a new method (MKCOL in this case) rather than 
using a special POST operation:

>    While the POST method is sufficiently open-ended that a "create a
>    collection" POST command could be constructed, this is undesirable
>    because it would be difficult to separate access control for
>    collection creation from other uses of POST.

Wouldn't the same issue be relevant here?

Interestingly the current WebDAV ACL document does not appear to mention 
POST at all - even in the 'Normative' Method Privilege Table in Appendix B. 
Is there a reason for that?

Whatever solution we come up with it ideally needs to work seamlessly with 

Cyrus Daboo

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2005 17:06:06 UTC