Re: PATCH thoughts...

    I originally thought all HTTP messages with bodies needed to
    indicate Content-Type.  I assumed that if the Content-Type header
    were used then that was the obvious place to say what diff format
    is being provided.  Thus PATCH has currently:
	 PATCH /file.txt HTTP/1.1
	 Content-Type: application/gdiff
	 If-Match: "e0023aa4e"
	 Content-Length: 100
    However, clearly RFC3229 doesn't take that approach -- some
    responses are shown with bodies (implied) but with only a
    Content-encoding header to indicate that there's even a body on the

Note that the examples in RFC3229 were meant to be barely-legal
HTTP, not necessarily including all of the header fields that
one might actually want to send.

In any case, the example responses in RFC3229 are for delta-encoded
results that are meant to be applied to an *existing* cache entry.
Therefore, the Content-type of that cache entry defines the
content type of the updated instance.  (In theory, I suppose,
the update could change the content-type of the original ...
that is, you could start with an image/gif and update via a
delta to an image/jpeg, in which case the delta-encoded response
would indeed require a Content-type header.  But somehow this
feels like a ghastly thing to do!)

Remember also that "Content-Type" really is a property of the
underlying resource, rather than of the response message per se.
RFC2616 uses poor terminology in almost all the places where
it matters for this issue, but there's a statement in 7.2.1:

   Content-Type specifies the media type of the underlying data.

as opposed to the "additional content codings applied to the data".

    Modelling on the RFC3229 approach, PATCH could look like
    this instead:
	   PATCH /file.txt HTTP/1.1
	   Host: foo
	   If-Match: "def"
	   Content-encoding: gzip
	   IM: vcdiff

Seems reasonable to me :-)

    One compromise is to inlude Content-Type with a reasonably appropriate
    MIME type, but one that doesn't need to specify the diff format used.
	   PATCH /file.txt HTTP/1.1
	   Host: foo
	   If-Match: "def"
	   Content-encoding: gzip
	   IM: gdiff
	   Content-Type: application/octet-stream
That's actually a good idea -- then the server can check to
make sure that the client's idea of the resource's content-type
is consistent with the server's idea.


Received on Friday, 30 April 2004 18:34:31 UTC