Re: ISSUE: transformations

** Reply to note from Jeffrey Mogul <> Wed, 12 Aug 98 16:37:56 MDT

I agree with your suggestions, which is why I didn't quote them.

On the topic of what to do with Content-MD5, you pointed out (around
last December I think) that one use is to detect packet-splicing errors
on ATM links (where the TCP ones-complement checksum is not

This, combined with the transformation issue, leads me to think that
there could (or ought to) be a distinction between hop-by-hop and
end-to-end message integrity checks (MICs).  I would think that if
Cache-control: no-transform is present, one would use an end-to-end
MIC, otherwise a hop-by-hop MIC could be used.

Richard L. Gray
will code for chocolate

Received on Thursday, 13 August 1998 08:32:19 UTC