IEBUG: We discussed IEBUG some more; Paul will check further with
    Josh Cohen on this.  It isn't clear any action should be taken; but
    we don't fully remember why the response was made a 416 code rather
    than a 200 series code, and this is nagging us.  Jeff Mogul was not
    available for the call, and he drafted the 416 description.  I will
    also check with Jeff to see if he remembers the reason.
I'm not sure we gave any deep theoretical analysis to the choice
between 2xx and 4xx.

To review the reason for including the 416 response: without a specific
"Range not satisfiable" error, the client cannot tell the difference
between (inadvertently) requesting something beyond the end of the
resource, and simply failing to get any response at all.  I believe
that Henrik discovered this problem while doing one of his

Why might the client legitimately read past the end of a resource?
Well, consider the case of a client that wants to find out the
screen-size of a GIF image (to allow early rendering of text) without
blocking while the entire image downloads.  Assume that the client has
seen some or all of the enclosing HTML file, which turns out to have
two imbedded GIFs.  The client could do these requests (please excuse
the short-hand notation!) in a pipeline (i.e., without waiting
for any server replies):

	GET imagea.gif/Range: 0-1023
	GET imageb.gif/Range: 0-1023
	GET imagea.gif/Range: 1023-
	GET imageb.gif/Range: 1023-

This would be done with the assumption that all of the necessary
screen layout information is contained in the first 1024 bytes
of the GIF file (actually, the number is probably a lot smaller,
but I'm using this as an arbitrary example).

Now, suppose that these are really just tiny images (bullets, 
horizontal rules, whatever) and imageb.gif is actually only
512 bytes long.  We don't want return a "hard" error to the
client, such as 404 Not Found, since that could imply instead
that the entire resource is now bogus.  So this is why we wanted
a separate code.  Note that by the time that the client receives
the 416 response for the second request for imageb.gif, it
has already received the first response, and so between the
two responses (and the resource-length information in each)
it can infer exactly why it got the 416 response.

OK, back to 2xx vs. 4xx.  As I said, I don't think we gave it
much thought at the time.

Remember that the scenario above is not the only way to get
a 416 error.  It might be the most common one, but imagine
that we have a client interface that allows the user to select
a specific part of a document, and the user enters a bogus
range.  So, in some cases, this is really an "error."

Section 6.1.1 (Status Code and Reason Phrase) lists the
categories like this:

    .  1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process

    .  2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood,
       and accepted

    .  3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to
       complete the request

    .  4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be

    .  5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently
       valid request

For " Requested range not satisfiable" (RRNS, I'll call it), 1xx
and 5xx are clearly not the right categories.  3xx "Redirection"
doesn't sound right.

2xx is described as "The action was successfully received, understood,
and accepted", but this seems to contradict the plain intent of
416 (which is that the action was NOT accepted).  4xx is described
as "The request ... cannot be fulfilled", which seems like it hits
the nail on the head.  So, from the plain language of the description
in 6.1.1, 4xx is indeed the right category, and this is presumably
what led us to pick 416.

I'm not necessarily arguing that, if we had had the foresight
to consider the implications of interoperating with a RFC2068-compliant
client that sends Range requests (and rather clever one, at that),
that we might not have gone against this basic distinction between
2xx and 4xx ... although I can't for sure say that this would have
solved the problem for IE, and it might have created other ones.

But I think we would be making a mistake to try to change the
code number now.  Right now, we are in this situation:
	(1) The 416 code was introduced to solve a real problem.
	(2) The design in -rev-03 is at least internally consistent
	(3) We are aware of the problem with IE, but we can also
	hypothesize some workarounds

If we change the code, then we may end up with problems that we
don't understand, and I think this would be worse.  I.e., rather
the devil you know than the (potentially several) devils you
don't know.  (Note to Paul: I am using "devil" here as part of
a common proverb, not in any more specific sense.)

What workarounds?  I recall that someone (Roy?) suggested on
Thursday that the server could have special code saying
	if (about to send 416) then
	    if (User-Agent == "IE4") then
		don't send 416
	    send 416

The outer condition might be something more elaborate, such
as "about to send 416 and requested range is just after
the end of the resource."

I don't remember what was suggested instead of sending 416, but I'm
sure that Josh can tell us what he would like to have happen

Yes, I know this is a pain, but the alternatives are also painful.


Received on Tuesday, 28 July 1998 11:44:09 UTC