Re: ISSUE: MUST a client wait for 100 when doing PUT or POST requests?

> What is the basis of the client's belief that the server will react
> properly?  What does that even mean?  You explained that small POSTS
> are ok, but how small?  I would find it acceptable to specify a size
> and say the POSTS and PUTS larger than that size (or using chunked)
> require 100 Continue and others don't.

Do POSTs generally have a content-length: header?

What about if the heuristic was: if there's no content-length
 header or the header is there, but the length is > some value
 we agree on, the 100 continue must be used/waited for ?

Josh Cohen				        Netscape Communications Corp.
Netscape Fire Department	               	      
Server Engineering             

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 1997 13:07:54 UTC