Re: cache-busting document

Wojtek Sylwestrzak wrote:

> Unfortunately most of the servers practicing this today
> try  to perform a 'naive' content negotiation, which effectively
> uses redirects to other urls. This is of course wrong,
> because it unnecessarily expands the url addressing space,
> thus making caching less effective.

It isn't, because you'll suffer one redirection, but the target is
cacheable. Compare it to serving different variants right away with
ensuring that it won't be cacheable if the client is HTTP/1.0 compliant.

> Most of the contemporary clients are able to convert
> character encoding on the fly, so that the rendered document
> is presented to the reader with the font sets locally available.

First, many people use old software. Second, if the right font is not
locally available, most of your contemporary clients will produce

 .-.   .-.    Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
(_  \ /  _)

Received on Sunday, 8 June 1997 16:18:46 UTC