RE: Pipelining and compression effect on HTTP/1.1 proxies

> enough to put *'s around your conclusions. I know that there are many
> cache
> maintainers and maybe even indexers on this mailing list. Benjamin,
> what if
> you tried getting these people to take a snapshot of their caches and
> get
> the sizes of the HTML pages? It would be very useful information to a
> lot
> of us!
For what it's worth, we recently did some analysis of the logs from
Microsoft's corporate proxies. For static HTML, there were approximately
77,000 hits, and the average size was 6882 bytes. For HTML that we
believe was dynamically generated there were approx. 74,500 hits with an
average size of 7419.


Received on Wednesday, 23 April 1997 10:15:34 UTC