reminder of Internet-Draft cutoff date

This is just a reminder that the cutoff for Internet-Draft submissions
prior to the San Jose IETF meeting is Tuesday, November 26, 1996 at
1700 Eastern Standard US time.  (I think that's 2200 UTC)

Proposals to be discussed at IETF WG meetings must be submitted
as Internet-Drafts prior to discussion.  So if you want to have 
a proposal discussed at the San Jose IETF, you need to get it 
in before this deadline.  

Please also note that due to the the large number of last-minute 
internet-draft submissions, last-minute drafts require more time 
to appear in the Internet-Drafts repositories.  Given the US 
Thanksgiving holidays on 28-29 November, I wouldn't expect last-minute
drafts to be generally available before 2-3 December or so.

So to give other working group members more time to review drafts,
I encourage people to submit their drafts a few days before the deadline.

For information on how to submit an Internet-Draft, look at

Keith Moore

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 1996 12:29:59 UTC