Re: Content-Digest proposal (was Re: Revised Charter)

> Ok, You're right !
> I'm for it, we are two
> [if it has any weight]
> who else, who is against (and why?, besides Roy)

Roy made valid points about this issue, and I give him my full
support.  It should remain Content-MD5.

Having more generality just complicates things on both ends, because
support for a new digest algorithms won't even appear simultaneously
on the server and client side.  Not that it's even important.  In
practice, it's gonna remain MD5 for a real long time, if not forever
(in terms of how long the protocol version itself is gonna live).  If
you do want to start using some other alg, you're more than welcome to
use some other Content-Foo-Bar: header.  The protocol spec has never
disallowed new headers from being added.

Ari Luotonen
Netscape Communications Corp.
501 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043, USA		Netscape Server Development Team

Received on Friday, 3 November 1995 14:20:25 UTC