Glossar: reload, refresh, no-cache

Hi folks,

I'm new in the http-wg list, but I'm listening
for a long time to some of the www-*-lists.

I just listened to a part of the discussions
of reload/refresh and no-cache.

I'm wondering if someone of you could draft
a HTML/HTTP-glossar. This glossar
should contain not only a technical clear
explanation of an expression, but should also
contain a recommended user-interface-dialog
when the user has to deal with the expression.

I'm not able to do it, is someone of you ?

Here's my opinion to reload, refresh and no-cache:

 Reload means reload and nothing else. In other words:

 I'm not sure, but if I say Refresh I expect
  - do a screen refresh
  - do whatever is necessary to give me something fresh
    of what I just had

 If I say no-cache, I mean Don't cache, and if the current
 http-spec says the chain-ends of a http-request have to ignore
 any Pragma-directive, they shuold do it. But everything between
 the chain must follow the directive so these shouldn't cache.


Received on Wednesday, 16 August 1995 06:19:48 UTC