Conflict detection in DeltaV using ServerSide Workspace


I want to allow simultaneous editing of resources by multiple users with
WebDAV/DeltaV. For that, I use a ServerSide-Workspace for every user.
The user can "check out" a file in his private workspace and work on it.
After that, the user can "check in" all of his files with the DeltaV
activity feature. Now I am looking for a standard "serverside"-way to
detect conflicts when both users try to commit their changes on the same
file. Is there any standard way to detect these conflicts with
WebDAV/DeltaV on serverside?

My idea was (like in Subversion/mod_dav_svn), that the server keeps
track of the revisions, that are in the private workspace of the user,
to detect conflicts. 

Here you can see a sequence diagram that illustrates the operations.

User A and user B check out the file Foo. The server keeps track that
they both checked out version 1 of the file Foo. Now both users start to
edit the file in their own workspace. Then user A finishes editing and
checks in his workspace (ActivityUserA). Now the server increments the
version of file Foo up to 2. Now user B wants to check in his file, but
the server recognizes that UserB has changed the file based on version 1
and so the server rejects the check in. 

Is this the right way? 

Thank you for your Help.

Best regards


Martin Jung
master student

DLR (German Aerospace Center), 
Simulation and Software Technology
Linder Hoehe, 51147 Cologne, Germany

eMail: m.jung at

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 11:14:06 UTC