DeltaV Lack of global properties

> > [Lisa]
> > However, the real showstopper is the lack of resource
> > transparency.  Global properties, like "author" from Dublin
> > Core, or "Editor-in-Chief", are hidden away in VHRs.  That
> > means that versioning-unaware clients cannot interoperate
> > with versioning clients on the same set of documents.  They
> > can't even PROPFIND a set of VCRs to get properties which
> > ought to exist.
> [Tim]
> I don't have any suggestions for you here since there is no
> property that
> has the characteristic of being defined on a set of resources
> in this way.
> all I can offer is that the version history resource has a
> URL that the
> versioning unaware client can use to PROPFIND/PROPPATCH dead
> properties --
> but that would not be the same URL as any version-controlled resource
> (which is what I think you are asking for).

Yes, that's what I'm asking for.  Although it's true that the VHR has a
URL that a versioning-unaware client could hypothetically use, this is
actually useless since a versioning-unaware client cannot get the URL of
the VHR; it doesn't even know it's supposed to look on VHRs for that

The functionality of having what I call "global" properties on VCRs is a
requirement for many document versioning scenarios.


Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2001 21:45:57 UTC