Re: UTF-8 revision

À 11:22 07/09/97 +0200, a écrit :
>Some nits:
>- The text now appears to treat Unicode and ISO 10646 as bodies of
>  equal standing. I would like to refer as much as possible ONLY to
>  ISO 10646, and remove "unnecessary" references to Unicode, 

Done that.  I've only kept some mention of Unicode because the additional
stuff in there can be *very* useful for implementors.

>- The text in section 5 is written in tentative mode; a sentence like
>  "This string would label media types containing text...." will look
>  odd 3 years after it's common practice to do so; "This string labels
>  media types" looks much better to my eye.


>- Just go ahead and register UNICODE-1-1-UTF-8 as part of this
>  document, referencing RFC 1641 for the naming scheme, and
>  discouraging it; this language seems fine otherwise.

I did that, but forgot the reference to RFC 1641 and the draft is out now.
Is this a problem?

Other changes:

- added reference to draft-freed-charset-reg-02.txt
- updated some other references.  Mentionned 17 (!) upcoming amendments to
- fixed wording here and there, hopefully without damage.
- tightened language on versions, already mentionned in a previous msg to
this list.

I've sent the revised draft to the I-D editor.  It is available right now
at <>

François Yergeau <>
Alis Technologies inc., Montréal
Tél : +1 (514) 747-2547
Fax : +1 (514) 747-2561

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Received on Friday, 12 September 1997 22:17:03 UTC