You Can Now Dramatically Increase Your Sexual Attractiveness!

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THIS MONTH'S<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<<<<<<<<<<<<< GLOBAL NEWSLETTER> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

The Internet's Top Selling Product For June, July And August

***Ladies & Gentlemen*** What would it feel like for you to 
dramatically and immediately increase your Sexual 
Attractiveness and have other people suddenly treat you with 
a mysterious & incredible Respect? You will experience this 
enhancement in almost all areas of your life!

Every insect, animal, or creature on the face of this planet
uses Pheromones! To either attract the opposite sex or to
create Dominance throughout their environment! Humans were
no different, but due to Evolution our Pheromones are now

Well now you can overcompensate for this Dormancy and you
can get the edge before everyone else!

Thanks to this exciting Breakthrough Technology Scientists
have discovered the keys that will help you...

1)   Attract the opposite sex!
2)   Attract the same sex!
3)   Enhance your existing relationships!
4)   Increase your Income from your job or Business! 
5)   Improve almost every area of your life! 
6)   Be treated with a lot more Respect!

After you have learned about all of your benefits in this 
message and then seen all the proof on our High-Tech web-
site, you will then find yourself absolutely convinced! 
We have so much proof it is Guaranteed that you will 
understand how all these claims are possible! We even 
Challenge you to see for yourself!



As you already know, almost every man & woman already uses 
cologne or perfume every day, in an attempt to make themselves 
more appealing or attractive! What would it be like 
to accomplish this effectively and instantaneously? You really 
shouldn't have to sleep with anybody that you have persuaded 
during the course of your day. Just get more of what you 
desire in your life by having more influence in your

All this, depends on which gender you are and what you 
purchased, the cologne or the perfume. This will conclude 
which gender is going to be Attracted to You. The opposite 
gender will not be attracted to you sexually, but is going to 
feel tremendous Respect for You! This all happens instantly on 
a "Subconscious" level! 

It's not necessary for you to believe all this just from this
"Breakthrough Alert", but you simply need to see all the facts 
before you are totally convinced.  

Everything you'll ever want to know about Pheromones is 
described and explained in full detail on our Web-site 
located at:
Learn what Pheromones really are. Read about how effective
they have been proven to be. See why they are effective. 
Find out how and when they were discovered. Read the 
Medical References from Scientists, Doctors, Chemists, and 
Researchers. See Media appearances where Pheromones have 
been Featured! Read the testimonials of Pheromone users and 
get the results of our "Experimentation Team". And much, 
much more!

***Gentlemen you will receive a Priceless Free gift with 
your order, Only if you Act Now!***
Visit our Web Site to Order Now! Or just come on by to  
learn more about this or other exciting breakthrough products and


If you are interested in the above Breakthrough Alert, then
please do not hit reply. Just simply click on their contact
information. Thank You!  

This "Global Newsletter" has been brought
to you by "Source International Marketing Inc." 

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Received on Monday, 8 September 1997 01:00:26 UTC