Re: element ID wrote:
> Hi,
> Firstly, I like to say HTML tidy is the best tool to use to validate
> the HTML tags. I have been using for years and never have any
> problems, not until now. Anyway, I have written Perl script to run
> tidy validates php pages on the fly and it reported 'Warning: <input>
> anchor "pt_action" already defined'. The warning message means no two
> elements can have the same ID value in a single document. However,
> these are dynamic php pages it needs same ID to perform the task. My
> question is there any parameter that we could put into the config
> file to ignore/exclude just for this warning.
> Any help is very much appreciated.
> Cheers, Ken Toch

I don't know about parameter but tidy is correct, an id must be unique.
I don't know how tidy would respond, but what you can do is create a 
custom attribute to use for your php hook rather than using the id 
attribute. While using a custom attribute means the document won't 
validate as W3C html (it can as xhtml if you properly define the 
attribute), it at least avoids mis-use of the id attribute.

Received on Monday, 25 May 2009 06:32:00 UTC