Re: SPEC file for building tidy RPMs

On 2/19/06, Sierk Bornemann <> wrote:
> Why don't you simply use the current Spec file of the current tidy
> packages shipped with fedora?
  I was just looking at the .spec provided in the tidy_src.tgz . If
you look there, you'll ses why I did it. I don't know about the .spec
used by either Fedora or SUSE. I used my .spec to build on Fedora but
I guess it wouldn't be too tough to build on SUSE using the same spec.
  It wouldn't be a bad thing if the source distribution of html-tidy
would include a usable spec-file. Perhaps not everyone uses
Fedora/SUSE, and, after all, it's good to have things working in a
more or less official distribution.

Received on Monday, 20 February 2006 04:37:12 UTC